Saturday, August 1, 2009


I am officially updating on here.

only to say that I have started a new blog. You can follow me at

easy enough?

The site still is a work in progress but i have posted a short introductory post so far.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Holi Holi Holi

Today is the last full day we have with friends before heading back to Delhi to fly back to the states tomorrow. We had a great time in the villages visiting with locals and constantly eating the massive amounts of food continuously shoved into our faces. I know that I have gained tons of weight in the starch and carbs capitol of the world. My blood pressure has to be through the roof. The food was so good though, made by the locals including the natural terroir.

On Wednesday, we celebrated Holi with the locals which was one of the most intense things I have ever been a part of. I was involved in countless amounts of water fights as a child with other people but never to this caliber. Despite protecting my digestive system making sure that no water makes it down my throat, I had much bigger problems. The dye that was being thrown was not only vibrantly colored but also ridiculously permanent. I was viciously jumped by a pack of wild Indian children with buckets, squirtguns, and hands full of soaked powdered dye. No amount of fighting back wore them out. After a few minutes I tried to assimilate into the new people group and coordinate attacks against the people that I came with. I found that no matter how many victories we had, when the action was over, they turned on me every time. The end result is pink skin that is very hard to get rid of. As a matter of fact, now, a few days later, my skin is still mildly pink.

Tomorrow we head back to the states. It is pretty bittersweet because I love being here but I also am ready to get back and see my family and go back to school and work. Well I guess I am out of things to say for now.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First in 2009!

Well, I stated on here in my last post I was going to attempt to blog more often now that I am not permanently in Asia. Since this is my first time writing a blog in 2009, obviously I didn't fulfill my attempted resolution. Now I come back asking for forgiveness only to say that I am in India again. It seems that I can only blog when I am not in the country.

After about 25 hours of travel, then a night of jet-lag hindered sleep (and by night I mean about 5 hours) only to wake up and get on another plane to travel Indian Air nationally, we are here in our location enjoying the first day. We will be traveling out of the city tomorrow to go to a friend's and "participate" in the festival of Holi. If you aren't sure what it is about, Google it. For the few that haven't lost faith in checking my blog to see a new anecdote about international travel had by me, be remembering us throughout the week. Maybe you will get another post soon. I won't say for sure since I probably won't come through if I do. Thanks for reading!

Friday, August 22, 2008

I know, I know... has been forever since I have typed anything on this blog. I am doing my best to get back into it from this point on, but with a full-time job and full-time school, I can't make you any solid promises.

As for what has been going on lately: my life has been pretty routine. Since I returned from Brazil, work has consumed most of my free time and then in mid-August I threw school into the mix. Anatomy and Physiology is kicking my butt right now to say the least. I still have found a lot of time to read, though. I have been reading quite a bit. Mostly Christian studies, the thicker (content-wise) books include: Knowing God by J.I. Packer and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton. Both books I would highly recommend to anyone who loves studying what they believe. I have also had enough time to fit in a few fictional novels one by Chuck Palahniuk who is one of the better current, non-Christian writers of our time, a little crazy though.

I am gearing up to leave the country yet again with a good group of people. It is going to be a great trip and I look forward to heading out for a few days. It will be a good reminder of this year for me. Pray that we will make an impact.

Also, as a side note, it is fitting to tell you that since very early on in my stay in Malaysia, I felt a very strong calling toward the country of Myanmar. I didn't quite understand why, as it is a closed country to most westerners. Last night, however, I discovered that there is a community of Myanmarese refugees withitn a mile of me. Isn't it funny that God brought Myanmar right to me! I will hopefully be joining Michael and Wit from the church to go hang out with them soon. Pray that we will influence those people.

Hopefully it won't be two more months before I update!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another day, another continent

So I think that I owe everyone an apology. I haven´t updated once since I have returned from Asia. I figured that since I was now In South America I would go ahead and update for my loyal readers. São Paulo, Brasil is my exact location, Campo Limpo if you want to get technical like Canaan Chapman behind me reading over my shoulder. I am down here with our churches partners and a group of people from our church. We have been doing some things around the favelas of the city. It has been a great trip so far, but since this computer is moving like refrigerated molasses, I am going to save most of the details for when I get back, but suffice itto say that myslf, Canaan Chapman, and Philip Elliot are giving Allen Kinble a really interesting time. Thanks for reading! God bless.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Goodbye Penang

I am sitting at the Penang international airport as I write this. I have been stressing a little bit because the flight to Taipei was pushed back an hour and 15 minutes. I didn't know how long my layover was in Taiwan so I was worried because I am ready to get back to Nashville. Luckily, after finding a free wi-fi network at the airport I checked my itinerary and my layover in Taiwan was 4 hours. China Airlines seems to have done me a bit of a favor since now 2 of those lonely hours I can now spend with Adrian at the Penang airport since he is waiting on his flight to KL which departs 10 minutes before mine does. Maybe I should say God did me the favor and not China Airlines.

It has been a really somber day for all parties involved. I didn't get to sleep until around 5:00 AM and then woke up at 8. I guess I am just anxious to get home. That is only one of the emotions destroying my peace right now, really. I am so excited that I get to play with my sister and see my friends and family face to face again in less than 36 hours, but I am heartbroken to leave a country that I have grown to love. I am also heartbroken to leave a group of people that I have grown to love as well. It was so difficult to actually walk out of the door to the car. We put on "The Scientist" by Coldplay on the loudspeakers as we left and this could have ruined this beautiful song for me personally. I will never be able to hear this song again without the memory of walking out the door and leaving behind the people who have become a 2nd family to me. I don't mean to sound like I have left them for good or turned my back on them, just referring to the fact that I literally walked out the door and left them behind because I had to.

I came here 6 months ago not knowing what to expect, and the funny thing is, I'm leaving 6 months later still not knowing. I guess life is just like that. Here I am sitting at the airport after the most solid 6 months of my life, and now I am more confused than ever. It is funny how many doors open to you when you are in line with God's plan as opposed to when you aren't. I came with a goal to attain direction and I got more paths. I got direction, absolutely, but now there are more alternatives and that is the hardest part. I want to be back in Asia so soon, but I know I need that piece of paper that says I'm qualified. It will open more doors, and after a lot of prayer I know it is the right decision, but the toughest part is knowing that it is going to take time to get it. I will be in America for a couple of years finishing school. I love everything about America, but my heart beats for this place. I know that it will be hard to leave family and friends again in the future, but the end result is so much greater than what I would get sitting around chasing what I want, and not chasing what I need. I'm going to finish school and I'm going to love spending the time in America, but it will be great when you have to come to another country to see me.

Even though this journey has come to a close, minus the 30 hours of flight I am looking at ahead of me, I will continue blogging. I will continue to keep everyone updated on the things going on in my life and how I am continuing to work at changing the world for the kingdom, but I am just going to continue taking it one day at a time. I have Camp Whatever a week after I get back and Brazil just 2 more weeks after that. I am also working full-time again this summer to make some cash. I have a lot on my plate, but it is par for the course. I look forward to more adventures in the future, and I also look forward to letting you in on the stories. For now, the adventure is rediscovering home. See you soon, I have to catch a plane to America.

Friday, June 13, 2008

48 hours and counting...

I have only 2 days left in Malaysia. It is unreal to me how quick these months have gone by. I described it to my parents as bittersweet. It is going to be so good to finally see friends and family face to face again, but I love this region of the world and can say with a good amount of confidence that, at some point in time, if you want to visit me it will require a trip to southeast Asia. I feel like I have a place here and that this region is where I am supposed to be.

On a light note, we saw the new movie from M. Night Shyamalan called The Happening, with Mark Wahlberg a.k.a. Marky Mark, as the lead role. Possibly the strangest movie I have ever seen, but I really enjoyed it. I am personally a fan of Shyamalan's very artistically strange representation of psychological thrillers. I am no movie making expert but I know enough to say the Shyamalan knows what he is doing with camera angles and shock factors. I wouldn't recommend this movie unless you know what you are getting yourself into. I loved it, but you may not.

It has been a rough week due to the Euro Cup soccer games. They are broadcast live here which means they don't come on until midnight and 2:45AM. Two games are played every night. We haven't been getting much sleep since our past few nights have been spent at various food stall locations until the wee hours of the morning. It helps to kill the time, though, since we are completely done and today and tomorrow are absolutely free. We are trying to get everything done that is exclusive to this area for one last time: Batu Ferringhi for tourist shopping, Balik Pulau for Siam Laksa(the angels themselves are employed by this food stall), Georgetown for Wan Than Mee and fresh fruit, the incredible taste of durian and mangosteens, etc. We have such a huge list of things to do in the next 36 hours.

Sunday at 2:15PM, my plane departs from Penang, Malaysia and it will take me about 30 hours of travel time to get back to Nashville. After I hug my family, we're going to Cracker Barrel. I have been thinking about that breakfast for six months, since I have known my arrival time in Nashville was 7:45AM for my whole stay. I am torn between Uncle Herschel's favorite and the Sunrise Sampler, decisions decisions. Then we are grilling out that night. I have considered making a list of different foods that I have missed out on for the past 6 months, but I am not going that extreme. All I can say is that corn beef and cabbage is going to be had within the first week. Anyways, I seem to be rambling on my blog so I'm going to sign off for now. I need to take a nap so I can be ready for the soccer games tonight. If I don't blog again before I come home, see you soon!