Friday, August 22, 2008

I know, I know... has been forever since I have typed anything on this blog. I am doing my best to get back into it from this point on, but with a full-time job and full-time school, I can't make you any solid promises.

As for what has been going on lately: my life has been pretty routine. Since I returned from Brazil, work has consumed most of my free time and then in mid-August I threw school into the mix. Anatomy and Physiology is kicking my butt right now to say the least. I still have found a lot of time to read, though. I have been reading quite a bit. Mostly Christian studies, the thicker (content-wise) books include: Knowing God by J.I. Packer and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton. Both books I would highly recommend to anyone who loves studying what they believe. I have also had enough time to fit in a few fictional novels one by Chuck Palahniuk who is one of the better current, non-Christian writers of our time, a little crazy though.

I am gearing up to leave the country yet again with a good group of people. It is going to be a great trip and I look forward to heading out for a few days. It will be a good reminder of this year for me. Pray that we will make an impact.

Also, as a side note, it is fitting to tell you that since very early on in my stay in Malaysia, I felt a very strong calling toward the country of Myanmar. I didn't quite understand why, as it is a closed country to most westerners. Last night, however, I discovered that there is a community of Myanmarese refugees withitn a mile of me. Isn't it funny that God brought Myanmar right to me! I will hopefully be joining Michael and Wit from the church to go hang out with them soon. Pray that we will influence those people.

Hopefully it won't be two more months before I update!


Papa said...

Seth, we have about 100 of the Burmese/Karen refugees that we serve through our ministries. (check it out @ I can help you make connects let me know.

Tiffany said...

I really hope it's not so long!! :) Glad that you will be coming our way. It will be an amazing time and you WILL make an impact.

Study hard!