Sunday, March 8, 2009

First in 2009!

Well, I stated on here in my last post I was going to attempt to blog more often now that I am not permanently in Asia. Since this is my first time writing a blog in 2009, obviously I didn't fulfill my attempted resolution. Now I come back asking for forgiveness only to say that I am in India again. It seems that I can only blog when I am not in the country.

After about 25 hours of travel, then a night of jet-lag hindered sleep (and by night I mean about 5 hours) only to wake up and get on another plane to travel Indian Air nationally, we are here in our location enjoying the first day. We will be traveling out of the city tomorrow to go to a friend's and "participate" in the festival of Holi. If you aren't sure what it is about, Google it. For the few that haven't lost faith in checking my blog to see a new anecdote about international travel had by me, be remembering us throughout the week. Maybe you will get another post soon. I won't say for sure since I probably won't come through if I do. Thanks for reading!

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