Monday, March 3, 2008

Finally listening to portable tunes again.

Today was a beautiful day. I got a new iPod, most likely refurbished actually. Unfortunately, I lost all of the 3700 songs that was on my original iPod, but I can get them back when I get home so I'm not sweating it.

I have been dreading this week for some reason coming into lectures with the title "Bible overview." I guess I just told myself that I know what the Bible is about and I didn't need a summary, but of course my speculations were incorrect, as always, and it is actually the Bible in a historical context and a study of the era. I really enjoyed class today as we moved through the first three books, Genesis through Leviticus in case you didn't know. We have five days of lectures in one week and the first day of this week is already gone with time spent on only 3 books. If you do the math, that is 63 books in 4 days, so we'll see how it goes.

Time is moving so fast that it is blowing my mind. I can't believe that I have been in Malaysia for 2 months. I feel like yesterday I was homesick, but I can't actually tell you the last time I felt homesick. My friendships are constantly growing here and we are all becoming so much closer. It is getting worse and worse to think about when I come home. I'll be so excited to see my family and friends again, but at the same time, I'm leaving a whole other set of family and friends all over again. I'm looking so forward to June and dreading it at the same time.

There is something that I would also like for you to pray for. Kai Lee, one of the YWAM staff, heads up the ministry with the Nepali migrant workers here. A while back Kai Lee had cancer and went through chemotherapy and radiation and the treatment was successful. She has just found out that her cancer has come back and it is impossible to remove so she will have to go through treatment a second time. I don't even need to tell you how devastating this disease is, and of course I am assuming you are somewhat intelligient, giving some of you the benefit of the doubt of course. Personally, it has taken two family members away from me. Pray for Kai Lee, and also pray for the people we all know with this disease. That is about all I have for right now. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Seth, are you drinking coffee as you listen to your iPod???

Love & prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a good cup o' joe, as you listen too... Hope you got the care package I had sissy send you !


Anonymous said...

Seth: Vern is wrong, Me & Benny had Sissy to send you that package...have you received it yet?...I'm praying for Kai Lee,you & John,,,,Love you, Benny & Annie