Monday, February 4, 2008

Another weekend in review.

I know it has been a few days but I will give you another weekend update, among other snippets of information of course. My best blogging time is in the early hours of the morning for most of you who read this blog and I just didn't have that time this weekend. We stayed pretty busy.

We went to a large shopping mall in KL and ended up at a glasses shop. As I was thinking to myself that I wished I had gotten glasses before I left. Jared told me that you pay for the frames and the eye exam and prescription are free. I looked around and thought, "Thanks for my procrastination back home, God." I bought some. I got prescription glasses for $40. I was told I looked like Elton John. Not the proudest moment of my life but Jared reminded me that all westerners look alike to him. I assured Jared that he was British and I was American and that Sir Elton and myself are VASTLY different. I also warned him that though I dont think all Asians look alike, I would soon be mistaking him for many homely people. Then we went to the Switchfoot concert. I wanted to walk up to them and say, "God brought you guys here for me, I needed something from home!" I didn't. I thought it would be a bit awkward for the fellows in the band and I really didn't want to wait in a line of over-excited Asians to talk to these people who are just like you and I. I was about to snap a beautiful picture of the twin towers in KL and my camera died. It was so convenient, really. We made it to a sidewalk cafe, our usual style of weekend dinner, and I got a plate of noodles with some peppers in it that some Asians were impressed I was eating. I love them like coffee, though.

Sunday church at Damansara Utama Methodist Church, DUMC for short, was pretty eventful. The pastor was pretty good. Imagine Sean Connery with an added hint of Chinese as a first language and English as a second in his voice. I was amazed. They commisioned some marriage counselors named Fan Ngiang and Sian Li. We had to leave early to catch our bus but decided that a stop at KFC was necessary. We pulled up to the drive-thru window and parked and waited for our food to be brought out to us. It took a little longer than planned and Jared's all to intimidating mother walked to the window, crossed her arms, and tapped her foot until she walked back to the van with our food. What a woman!

When we got back to Penang, I looked at Jared and Leah and said, "It feels good to be home." I then thought to myself, "There is no way I just said that!" I couldn't escape it, I referred to Penang, Malaysia as home. Overall, it was a good weekend and I should have some pictures up on here soon, or my mom should have some pictures up on here soon, rather. And it has ever so slowly begun to feel like home here.

We began discussing the fear of God today. We discussed the fall of man so in depth I don't think I can put anything down about it until we go over the same things again tomorrow to make sure I picked up the intended message. It was a pretty incredible lesson taught by the woman who had a child, natural birth I might add, a few weeks ago that I smuggled the drugs in for. She went to college for teaching so she is a pretty gifted communicator. We have two more days followed by a four day break for Tahun Baru Cine (Chinese New Year - pronounced "Tah-hoon Bah-roo Chee-nuh" and roll your "R" ). Apparently, everyone staying here in Penang is going to have a blast. We don't even know yet how we are going to do that but sunrises on the beach and cliff jumping has been discussed. These people know the way to my heart!

I think that's plenty for now. To be continued...


Linda C said...

Hmm, your heart. They say home is where your heart is. Your heart is where God has wanted it to be. Welcome home! Love reading your blogs. Praying for you daily!

Anonymous said...

Seth, Thanks for sharing all the little glimpses of God with you. It is so uplifting to be reminded how BIG our God is. I'm glad you are feeling at home. We enjoy hearing of your life there and look forward to hearing more. Would love to see you in Elton John's glasses!

Thinking and Praying for you,

The Merkts

Sissy said...

Hey Sir Seth...not Sir Elton! It is good to hear that you had an enjoyable weekend. In your post you mentioned coffee...since you are somewhat of a coffee snob, how is the coffee there??? I hope you have a blast celebrating the Chinese New Year holiday!!! Just think twice before you do any cliff jumping.

Lots of love & many prayers coming your way from East TN!


Anonymous said...

Seth, I just want you to know how proud I am of you bro. Growing up with you has been a tremendous blessing, and now seeing you out in Mylasia is awsome and stinks at the same time. I am so jealous of you at times. I wish sometimes I could just drop what I am doing and come work by your side. It is so encouraging to see what the Lord is doing in your life and I am blessed, everytime I read a new blog, to hear about the Impact God is making in you and through you. May our one and only God continue to reveal himself to you and challenege you in what you are doing.

"He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD."

-Deuteronomy 8:3

I love you bro. Call me some time please, and get some pictures up!!!

-Brandon Berger