Sunday, February 10, 2008

A whole lot of nothing.

Finally, pictures were put on my blog. A couple even include my face in them. It is a bit difficult to get a lot of pictures with myself in them because I like to experience these new things in a world of my own. I like to make my own conclusions and formulate my own opinions based on what is happening around me without the interpretation of others. I usually either hang out in the lead or in the back but I try not to get stuck in the middle. In any case, this makes it a bit difficult for me to snap the picture involving myself with a good angle and ensure a decent picture, so most of the time I stick with the motif of landscape or people shots because that is what my eyes usually gravitate towards; the natural beauty of the creation of our Father's own artist's hands. Maybe this is not all evident in my pictures, but I haven't really been in an incredible situation yet, mostly just classrooms and mall shopping (where I usually buy nothing anywyas). When the time for outreach comes much more quality pictures will be attained.

That is another thing I guess I should go ahead and warn all of you who read this about: During the 6 weeks outreach phase, we will not be in the "safest" of places to carry a laptop, and frankly, I don't want to carry it around anyways. I will be lacking an internet connection for that time, unless I can get into a city with an internet cafe and update quickly, which may not be that hard. I just wanted to say that for the time being I will, of course, keep everyone posted on the happenings around me and how I see God moving in my life, since I haven't really been able to see anything else yet, but during that phase of this trip I might not be able to update as frequently as I, as well as many of you, might like for me to.

I'm sitting here bored to tears after watching "Runaway Bride" with the girls. That is the most obnoxious movie I think I have ever seen. I am sorry for anyone who thought this movie was good, but you might want to go visit a doctor. A doctor that specializes in brain disorders. Sorry if this offends you, but it is an attempt at blunt transparency again! I'm wrapping up this four day weekend. It was a welcome break, but I'm glad the hustle and bustle of lectures are starting back up. I have enjoyed the downtime but I'm glad it's over. This was a bit of a nonsense post, but I felt like writing something down. Thanks for reading.

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