Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sha lalalala what?

I haven't been able to think of a lot to write on here lately, but I do have a few things I can update you on today. Pastor Amos, an Indian man who lives in Singapore, is teaching our class this week. His area of expertise is living in the spirit.

If you speak in tongues, I am totally okay with it. In all honesty, I do have a hard time taking prayer time seriously when someone around me is speaking gibberish. I believe this is a personal gifting that is not necessarily to be used in the company of believers as it is used so frequently here (nothing against my friends and i'm unoffended if you disagree or think me ignorant because I am by no means an authority on the subject). It is not my personal style of worship, and my intentions are not to offend anyone, but I did feel a little discouraged today because I almost felt inadequate because of how heavily this spirtiual gift was being advocated and discussed. I don't hold anything against anyone here, I have just been raised under a different system. The charismatic church here, however, tends to be much more laid back than those in America. This style of worship just isn't for me personally and I don't think how well the spirit works in our lives depends on whether or not we speak in tongues. If you worship this way, more power to you. I fully support your praise habits.

Amos did pray over us today. I had someone say to me, "it is really cool that Amos prayed the same thing over you that Jeff did." As I thought over that statement, I began counting the prayers that have been voiced over me in a prophetic sense and realized that I have been prayed over like this 5 or 6 times since I have been here. One thing i realized is that every single time I have been prayed over the prayers have all seemed to parallel. This is such an affirmation to me but it is also a scary thing. These prayers put me in a large spot of responsibility employing the terms: pioneer, warrior, leader, communicator, gatherer, builder, etc. One thing that gets me the most I think is the "when." I hear these prayers and I think to myself, "This is incredible God, make it all happen right now!" I guess I am just praying for patience and direction. I know I am not ready for anything of great magnitude right now because I have a lot of growing to do, but I hope to get there someday.

I felt a bit more serious as I have been writing this post. These were the only things I could think of to even write about. I have been in a pretty solemn mood today. I hope to be back in my normal blogging routine in a day or two. Thanks for reading.


Jeanne said...

Isn't it so like us to want to get straight to the good stuff? I'm just like that. This pruning and growing stuff puts me in a melancholy mood a lot of times. But I know we're going to look back on this time with much thankfulness.

Seth, thank you for jumping off that cliff into this new adventure with God. Like Steve and Tiff, your courage and faith are helping me with mine. Praying for you today!

Brandon Tomlin said...

I've often been intrigued by the speaking of tongues. I read a book called Save Me From Myself by Brian Welch (former lead guitarist for Korn). He wrote about being in the process of turning his life around and then he got to this part about praying in tongues. I'll be real honest, what he was saying seemed a bit far fetched. Saying that its a special language for only you and God to know, wasn't easy to understand (and still isn't).

He said its something that you developed or practiced.

I guess its the parts of scripture when it happens that make what he said hard to believe. Especially Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit (Ruah) comes down and they instantly speak in tongues; why practice something that appears to be instant in scripture you know?

(not meant to offend anyone :)

Anonymous said...


I pray with you for patience and direction. I look at where your at, what your doing and who your becoming and I see that YOU ARE a young man of great magnitude.

Thank you for your boldness,bravery
and your blog. You touch my heart!

Tim Patterson said...

...pioneer, warrior, leader, communicator, gatherer, builder, etc... hmmm... I like it! Although, I don't get the "gatherer" part... is that like you will be good at shopping or something? ;^)

We continue to pray for you Seth and are very proud of you. Hang in there.