Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The awesome internet.

I'm sorry. I had a complete, typed blog and hit publish post and there was an error. It was mostly ramblings with a stint of seriousness at the end. For all intents and purposes, remember Orissa in your prayers. I'll explain tomorrow since I don't feel like typing up a few paragraphs again.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hee hee hee. Welcome to my world, kid. You won't believe how many times I've tried to write you & not been able to leave a comment! Congrats on doing a great job on your first "real" lesson The world always needs more teachers, too! It's a mission field all its own.
Yes, people here are praying for you in a big way. Post some pictures of you looking smart in your glasses. As neat as it is to see Malaysia, we moms want to make sure our boy is still looking healthy!
Jeremiah 29:11. I've claimed it many times in my life. This time, I'm praising God for what that means for you.