Friday, January 18, 2008

The great barrier...language.

Today has actually been great so far. We did the normal routine but I felt much better than I've been feeling and I've had more of an appetite (I actually enjoyed the noodles at lunch today). My stomach seems to have calmed down a bit and now I'm getting the swing of Asian life. When I'm home in June don't be annoyed if I say "la" after every sentence. It's just one of the idiosynchrocies here and I'm afraid it's catching on.

Last night we did the first little "evangelism" event as a group. I didn't do much of anything because I speak only enough phrases in Bahasa to greet people and ask if they've eaten yet. I don't even know the answers to those questions either. We walked about 30 minutes away up the side of one of the mountains close by into some new housing developments. All of the buildings are unfinished and there are many construction workers that work all day. The rub is that most of the construction workers are illegal immigrants from all over SE Asia who live in the unfinished buildings. I talked to Cambodians, Bengalis, Myanmarese, Indonesians, and Indians personally (actually not personally, via a translator). They all left their homes because of political or family problems. They're all also muslims. They were very accepting of us though and we sat right down and hung out with them. It was a great experience save the many men walking down to the buildings with plumbing in just towels to take showers (a couple even just bathing in stalls with no shame). They were very talkative and asked a lot of questions and apparently they never refuse prayer.

Unfortunately, we won't be going to the same place next week. We will be heading into downtown Georgetown again. That'll be fun as well though.

Well today was our last lecture on hearing God's voice and next week we will begin lectures on "Sin, Repentance, and Restitution." Can I get a hacking, pentecostal "Amen"? That'll be fun I believe. Well I think I'm about typed out so I'll continue hopefully with some pictures of the outreach today or tomorrow. Going to see a movie tonight though! Thanks for reading!


Sissy said...

Seth, it good to hear that you are feeling better and able to enjoy your noodles. I was a little concerned after your gas station drink (LOL).
I look forward to reading your blog and hearing about all your experiences. Thanks for updating so often.

Let me know what you would like to have (food items, etc.) in a goodie box?? I will send you a box in the next couple of weeks, your Mom is sending one this week.

Have a great weekend!

Much love and Many prayers,

The Collector said...

Glad you're feeling better. I suppose the squid in Malaysia is a lot different from the squid in China. We're just hanging out here in the snow and cold. Today the high temperature is 15 degrees. God bless and keep going.

Amy said...

Your package is on the way, somewhere between here and there!!! You'll be excited when you get it, goodies from home!

Glad your feeling a little better, stay away from squid, especially whole ones, what were you thinking!

It's cold here, but not as cold as it is in Iowa :) I love you very much and I'm sorry we missed your call today. Talk to you in the morning (your morning) Have a great day off and a great weekend, talk soon.

I love you,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are adjusting well. I remember from our China trip that you were quite adventurous with your food. I was just SO happy to find a TGIF even if the burgers were really rare. That was a nice memory.

Your adventures sound wonderful. I'm glad you're settling in. We think of you often.

Be careful what you drink!

Kathy Merkt

Christi said...

Love your blog. I started one 6 months ago that has 3 entries on it!! I've also got a bible study on "living a life of balance" that I have had for 3 months that I have not opened yet...which kindof makes sense because if my life was balanced I would not need that study. Anyway, glad things are going well. We are praying for you! Christi Richey
Okay, since you've had your last lecture on hearing God's voice...what is He saying? Thought this might be a good blog topic=)

Gina said...

Steve was excited to hear you tried the squid again....he loves to be an adventurous eater, too! Sorry to hear that it didn't sit well! We sure love checking your blog every day. Have a good weekend.

The Fidlins