Monday, January 14, 2008

Just another day on the opposite side of the world.

There are geckos everywhere just running around inside, but that's beside the point. This is the jungle after all, and I don't even have the Guns 'n' Roses tune on my iPod.

Before I left I was talking to dad about how I felt that I was suppose to be a part of something big. Also, I talked to several different friends about a Donald Miller lecture I heard where he said the God doesn't close doors on anything and that if a door is closed it is our responsibility as christians to kick down the door. During our morning worship meeting today, a couple different staff members prayed over everyone individually. One of the fellows that prayed over me was a man named Richard and he has been in Malaysia for a good amount of years (originally from England though). He went on to pray many thing about my character and how I am the kind of person that will be a pioneer for the faith and I will lead people into places that others cannot go and I will have to go there first to open the doors because as doors are closed I am the type that will "kick them down." He also said something about a vast amount of leadership he sees and that no matter how I've used the skills in the past, God is refining me to use them solely for him. I was shocked as he prayed and then said he could see all this in me. Now I think I'm just beside myself. He also told me after we prayed "I know that God's got really big plans for you and they're bigger than you or I can imagine." Needless to say I have been super encouraged all throughout the day.

We started our first classes today and they are being led by an African-American man who is a missionary in China. He is a pretty radical guy. It seems no matter how homesick I get or how much I miss my family and friends, I am always encouraged in the strangest ways. I love being here but I still cant wait until June. It will be so good to see everyone's faces... and I've only been gone a week.


Linda C said...

Seth, hard to believe it has only been one week.
You will never know how your desire and then the act of following God's leadership is changing lives. I want you to know how you have influenced me. I told Selma yesterday that I crave hearing how you are doing. I'm just glad that at this tine you are finding your calling, your purpose for the Kingdom. You are a leader and there will be fewer doors for others to have to knock down cause you have got there first. You are a Hood child and a product of the great things from 1st Bapt. We love you!

The Collector said...

We are following your Great Adventure. You are a real life hero for my boys and they love to read about what you are doing. God is awesome and I know He is with you on this trip proving to you his all sufficient love. May you be encouraged today. We love you.
The Priborskys

Gina said...

Our boys are having fun reading your blog, too. You are a great role model for them to follow. I pray that they will hear God's voice someday, as clearly as you have, and follow what he asks them to do. Have a great week!

The Fidlins

Anonymous said...

You may never know how many people you will touch as you follow God's plan. We enjoy reading about your adventure and seeing a new spot on this Earth. What awesome memories!

Praying for continued, unexpected moments of encouragement!

The Merkts

Anonymous said...

Hey rooster, hang in there...I don't want to sound too much like the "old uncle" but I guess that's what I am. You can expect a certain amount of home sickness. Heck, when I went into the Navy your mom was only 5 years old so I missed her terribly. This will pass to a certain extent, but your desire to be at home in comfortable surroundings with people you love and love you will always be there.

Love Ya...
