Monday, January 28, 2008

Your Weekend Update

I sat here for a bit skimming over the previous posts realizing that I haven't made any sort of a response to the comments that I have been getting. Thanks to everyone who has left encouragement on here, it gives me an affirmation that what I am doing is for something much bigger than I am, something I especially need to be reminded of on a fairly frequent basis. You might not have realized it, but you have played a large part in keeping me in line. It makes me feel good as well to know that I have given people a reason to examine themselves and look deeper into things that can be done for the kingdom. Two years ago I would have laughed if I was told this was where I would be, maybe even had a few colorful words in regards to the matter.

I will do a little weekend update since I didn't post any new information between Friday and now. On Saturday we woke up at the awful hour of 6 so we could be at a Methodist boys school to participate in a basketball clinic. The clinic was specifically for charity and RM350,000 was raised. That's equivalent to approximately $100,000 (hard to say for sure because of the fluctuation of the US dollar). RM50,000 went to a ministry run solely by YWAM staff in downtown Georgetown called "Kawan" that exists to serve homeless drug addicts, most of them addicted to heroine due to its easy accessibility. Who knew that we would be playing teams with Yao Ming look-alikes? We got beat like a drum in every game we played. We do, however, hold the YWAM record for most points scored in one game: 4. I was so proud of our teams capability of breaking previously set records. I truly hope we set the bar high for the next contenders. We did go see the new Tim Burton flick Sweeney Todd. It was fair. Much more graphic, although noticeably fake, than I thought it was going to be, with a very ironically tragic ending.

On Sunday I went to the church that I have been going to and took a student friend on the promise of a short service and a free lunch. Yes, unfortunately I was trying to sell the church to my friends so I didn't have to go alone. I was humbled in the sight of the Lord as it was the church's 15th anniversary and the service was double in length. The lunch was good though so I could still claim delivering 50% of the deal. Then back home for napping until 6 when we went to a "western" restaurant for our friend Tiffany's birthday. The coconut, pineapple juice and fried ice cream I had were wonderful; the 9 french fries I had were mediocre. The chicken wasn't bad. Though it's a rare necessity, you can make anything here taste okay if you just add chili sauce so that the food just burns your mouth and you concentrate more on the pain than the taste. Don't let anyone tell you their are no solutions to your problems.

Today we had some more lectures on the father heart of God and how our representations of our earthly parents reflect our opinions and feelings on our Heavenly Father. It was a good lesson but the types of parents we discussed were not really good representations of my parents. I guess I have had a pretty easy time growing up, even when I thought otherwise. Then we had the lunch that I of course just drowned in chili sauce.

Now here I sit thinking of other things I can add, but as far as I can tell you are all completely updated. Once again, I appreciate the encouragement and thanks for reading!


Unknown said... need a shipment of chili sauce soon? LOL Maybe we could come up with something else to send you to drown your food in...give you some variety?? :)
Glad you stayed busy this weekend.

Christi said...

That's a great idea. Our kids prefer syrup or ketsup on my cooking!!

Anonymous said...

Chili Sauce is how I learned to tolerate green beans :O)
Your game sounded interesting, I will have to share your positive attitude with my Emily-9 who is playing this year for the 1st time. Her team has yet to win and she doesn't like that too much.


Alison B. said...

thanks for the update. hang in there!
norah sends you a slobbery kiss.

The Shingletons said...

I seem to recall your love for pepper sauce instead...I'm going to Chattanooga this weekend, I can stop at Sticky Fingers and pick some up for you if you want?? hehe
I'll tell the people at the fireworks store you missed them!ss