Monday, January 21, 2008

Today I realized that God breathes poetry.

First and foremost, I would like to express my anger with the super bowl match-up for this year. I picked a great year to leave the country.

Now on to the more important things. We started our second official week of class today. Instead of doing a week on "Sin, Repentence and Restitution" as I said we were, we are combining next week with this week so it is also the "Father heart of God" lectures. Richard Jones from England did our teaching today and he showed us a bit of a shocking video of a symbolic gesture they did at a school of biblical studies in Indonesia. They sacrificed a goat in the video, the grunting of the goat when his throat was cut is imprinted in my brain forever. I'm glad I lived after Jesus died for me. I am actually really excited about these next two weeks of lectures though.

Today we began discussing the Father's heart and what it was like when God stopped speaking things into existence and got his hands dirty to create humankind. Then we discussed the breath of God entering into Adam and for the first time ever blood pumped through veins, eyes surveyed surroundings, fingers twitched and joints bent as God stood there admiring his creation. That is the best definition of poetry I have ever heard. The depth is captivating. It reminded me a little of a scene from an episode of Family Guy when a man is reading too much into a symbol of art and a white robed white beard version of God says "That's nothing!...Have you seen your circulatory system?!" I think too much we try to analyze God's creation instead of admiring it. What a sad waste.

I have noticed that the weekends tend to be a little rough for myself. The downtime gives me nothing to do but sit and think about home and what I could be doing instead of being on the other side of the world. So I'm asking that on the weekends you say a short prayer that the enemy doesn't get a good grip on me. Remember I am technically living in your future by 14 hours! Thank you for reading I will try to have some more pictures up soon!


Anonymous said...

WOW! That's a cool post. "Analyze it ratehr than admire it!.!.!" That's pretty good if I do say so myself. It looks like before long I'll be asking you to write my sermons.


Anonymous said...

I came by way of your mom and dad's blogs. I live in Smyrna and have a heart for Asia and missions. We are starting the adoption process but I wonder what God has planned . . . I love hearing of your adventure and seeing the pictures. I will pray for you!

Anonymous said...

I had lunch with your Dad today and he told me what a great time you are having. I can only image how these next six months will change your life. I look forward to hearing more stories and pictures. I miss you and have you on my prayer list. Just like when you were in my small group in 10th grade!

Bobby Goins

Anonymous said...

Man, talk about perspective!
Just today I have been amdiring an offer,for lack of a better word, instead of analyzing the huge opportunity to serve God.

Thanks for being real.