Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Maximum Malaysia...a little hard to swallow.

I don't know if the time is just catching up to me or what, but today I felt absolutely drained. Apparently I was giving off that vibe since a few staff members asked if I was okay. After much restlesness and almost falling asleep in class I got a couple hours of rest but one of my roommates turned the fan off on me so I woke up feeling fresh out of the shower. I don't know if it is the time difference catching up to me or just exhaustion from trying to automatically be adjusted since day 1.

We're in pretty heavy on the hearing God's voice topic and it is cool. All of the teachers keep saying, "This YWAM thing is gonna go by so fast, don't blink." I think that's only true if you're close to home like many of my classmates, because my days are creeping by at the pace of a sloth (slowest animal on the entire Earth in case you didn't know). I am enjoying it though so far. I am just keeping myself pumped for outreach. It seems that everybody here wants to go to Nepal though, which may not be a great situation since if everyone goes to Nepal there will be no one else going to the other places. We'll see what happens though.

I love Asian food but imagine eating rice and noodles every meal. That's the position that I am in right now. I am trying real hard to get adjusted to it but it seems that with every meal I lose a little more of my once ferocious appetite. That isn't all that bad though I don't think.

I love reading the comments they make me feel really good about where I am at and what I am doing, but I still want to see my baby sister more than anything in the world right now. The pictures just don't do it like the real thing does. Soon enough though, soon enough. I love you all, and thanks for reading and commenting in such a devout fashion!

P.S. - Fun Fact, my brithday is actually on Malaysian Independence Day

P.P.S. - Ryan and James, I should be back for the reunion trip just to let you know.


Linda C said...

Seth, thanks for sharing from your heart. So enjoy your touch of humor, not much has changed there. There are so many people praying for you that you might start floating home.
Hold Fast!!!

Sissy said...

Lordy, Lordy...I just spent 30 minutes composing a lengthy comment. I then previewed my comment and hit publish and it must have posted out in the elements and not on your blog. So here goes again for a somewhat shorter version: I can totally relate to missing your family and especially your baby sister. Many moons ago (back in the olden day) I married at the ripe old age of 19. I only lived about 20 minutes away from my family, but it seemed like a huge distance because I was not able to see them every day. I was so homesick...doesn't that seem so stupid? Like you, I especially missed my little sister. My little sister was your Mom (Amy). I really do think being apart from your family for the first time is very hard, whether it is just 20 minutes or half way around the world. Seth, you will adapt and that's not to say that you won't miss everyone, you will, but with every day that passes things will become easier.

Just hang in there, stay busy, see every sight to be seen and always know that those back home who love you are praying very hard for you and your peace of mind.

I Love You!

Christi said...

Hey Seth,
We could send you a combo from McDonalds, I'm sure with all of the preservatives that by the time it got there it would look the same as when we bought it! As a matter of fact, I've pulled french fries from under the seats of our car that look good as new and have been there for months!! Your sister looked so cute Sunday at church, I'm sure you are missing her tons. Take care and get some rest. Praying for you,
Christi Richey

Unknown said...

Hey Seth! Teagan's mom here...gosh we went to your house the other night for a visit and you weren't there!! :) Naw..I've been following your blog since day one and knew you were gone, but it would have been nice to see you. When ever you are having a hard day..just go back and read your 'Just another day on the opposite side of the world' post (1-14-08). Wow! God is so good. Now that Jason is home from Africa, I'm not sending out weekly carepackages...I kind of miss that, so let me know what/if anything you need/want and I'd love to send you some goodies...something other than rice and noodles!

The Collector said...

Ryan and James have a couple of things to say to you.

Seth, I will miss you and I will see you on the trip to Tennessee. I hope you are having fun. Love, Ryan

Seth, You are my best friend. We had so much fun together. I'll send you some good food. Do you like Pop Tarts? Love James

Mattea doesn't have much to say, right now her favorite word is M&M.

God bless

Anonymous said...


I am so excited to read your blog and see your pictures. Your in my prayers (and now Gun's & Roses are in my head.

Go kick down some doors.