Sunday, January 20, 2008

Week 2 at Hillside Baptist.

Today was the 2nd time I have been to church since I have been here in Asia. It is nothing at all like church back home. A little bit more "old school," and that is the most technical I can get. I'm sitting here listening to Bob Dylan now closing out my day and it's been one of the best endings since I have been here.

They say that you don't get good at things overnight and apparently that's true. Apparently also Malaysian praise and worship bands don't get better over the course of a week. Bless their hearts they love what they do and so does everyone in the crowd but I guess I have come up a bit spoiled on worship bands. They sound a little like a train hitting a herd of cattle. Not so good but they are praising God and who am I to criticize?

I did offer to play in the band but you have to have your own instrument and I didn't have the heart to tell poor Dominic that I wasn't going to purchase a guitar for the time that I was here. All the Asians and Canadians alike that go to HBC want me to play in the band now that they know I'm from Nashville. I'm not too worried about it though, maybe I can just give tips and stay behind the scenes.

Then we sat around as a group and got into a spiritual discussion. I noticed that I get irritated in arguments so i "gracefully bowed out" of the conversation so as to avoid frustration. Also I hate that I was immature once driving my parents insane because immaturity drives me the the brink of insanity. It's okay though I feel much better now.


Anonymous said...

All it says is "make a joyful noise." What may sound like fingernails on a chaulk board to some is a joyful noise to others...

Love You,


Anonymous said...

WELL, AMEN TO YOU UNDERSTANDING TH IMMATURITY THING!!! That's just cherry on top of the whipped cream for your mom & me. :)

Just like we talked about before your left, God is obviously teaching you many lessons on this journey. He's teaching you not to take stuff for granted, like a quality worship band. How many times have we all sat in the midst of an incredible worship leader/band & not participated, for whatever reason.

He seems to be taking you out of your comfort zone. It doesn't matter how much you disagre with someone at home or at your home church, there is always the comfort zone of having people you know think like you. But, this is not the case around the world. How to not get frustrated with people who don't see things like you do is a great lesson to learn.

He's teaching you that you need to depend upon Him alone, not your parents or friends. It's so easy to say you're learning to trust God alone at home when you can call a buddy & go to Starbucks anytime you want. But, now, you're literally having to depend upon God for your emotional, relational, social, spiritual, physical & financial needs. That's a great thing you'll carry for life.

These are but a few things God is teaching you. Don't fight them & ask God to take them away. Rather, let God move you through them. This is the way of growth.

I'm proud of the man you're becoming. Even though you were a man when you left, you were still really a boy. But, when you come home in June, the man you will have become will change the world.

I Love you & I'm becoming more proud of you every day. Hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.


Brenda Royal said...


Thanks for keeping us posted on your great adventure for God. The ladies of the Joy Class ask me weekly if I've heard from you. I tell them what I've read each week, and we all agree how proud we are of you, and what a wonderful kid you are (Sorry, bud, but with that group, you will always be a kid!) On those days you get down, think how amazing it will be to get to Heaven and have a kid come running up to thank you for helping him get there. Great are your rewards, Bud. I'm so proud of you.

Momma Royal

Christi said...

So everybody thinks you are a mix between Brad Pitt and Tim Mcgraw! I'm sure you're not having any trouble making friends. Maybe David or somebody at church can get the music from Sunday morning available online with the sermon? Christi Richey